Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i wella eich profiad o'n gwefan.
Gallwch ddarganfod mwy neu ddileu allan o rai cwcis
- mae'r polisïau hyn ar gael yn Saesneg.
Neidio i’r llywio
Neidio i’r prif gynnwys
Neidio i’r troedyn
Dyled ac arian
Gyfraith a Llysoedd
Amdanom ni
Applying to the EU Settlement Scheme
Check if you can get pre-settled status or settled status
Check if your family members can get pre-settled status or settled status
Preparing to apply for pre-settled and settled status
Applying for pre-settled and settled status
Updating and proving your pre-settled or settled status
Switching from pre-settled to settled status
Problems with your settled status decision
Getting visas for family members
Cael fisa ar gyfer eich partner i fyw yn y DU
Getting a visa for your adult family member to join you in the UK
Staying in the UK as the parent of a child who lives here
Extending your family visa
Getting a permanent right to live in the UK if you have a family visa
Check if your child can get a permanent right to live in the UK
Applying for family visas or indefinite leave
Getting a visitor visa
Cael fisa i deulu a ffrindiau allu ymweld â’r DU
Getting British citizenship
Becoming a British citizen
Getting British citizenship for children
Deciding if citizenship is right for you
Applying for British citizenship
Benefits, services and your immigration status
Gwiriwch a yw eich statws mewnfudo yn gadael i chi gael budd-daliadau a chymorth gyda thai
Check if your immigration status lets you get free healthcare
Online immigration status
Getting an online immigration status (eVisa)
Problems with a visa
If you're from Ukraine and your visa is ending
If your visa application is delayed
If you've overstayed your visa or leave
Staying in the UK on a visa without your partner
Asylum and refugees
Offering to let someone from Ukraine stay with you
After you get refugee status
Prepare for an asylum interview
Report human trafficking
What to do if you've been trafficked
Deportation and living in the UK illegally
Your options if you're in the UK illegally
If your child is living in the UK illegally
If you're going to be deported from the UK
Windrush scheme
Proving your right to live in the UK with the Windrush scheme
Get help
Get specialist immigration advice
Health and Care Worker visas
Problems with work if you have a Health and Care Worker visa
Losing your job if you have a Health and Care Worker visa
ESW Index Page
EW Index Page